Cities face a surge in online deliveries

Cities face a surge in online deliveries

By the time veteran UPS driver Thomas “Tommy” Chu leaves work, he will have picked up and delivered hundreds of packages in New York City, making some 16 stops an hour as his company hurries to meet the online shopping rush. But what may be his most impressive feat of the day precedes that scramble: […]

Smart luggage firms close because of airline battery rules

Smart luggage firms close because of airline battery rules

Two smart luggage firms have closed in May, with both blaming changes to airline policies regarding how lithium batteries can be taken on board planes. Raden and Bluesmart said the changes, by several major airlines in December 2017, had made business impossible. The new rules meant that luggage batteries had to be removable. The smart […]

Google rolls out ‘Nudge’ feature in Gmail, here’s what it does

Google recently brought some new features for users through its Gmail service. The emailing platform already has received a major design overhaul followed by the ‘smart compose’ feature. This time the search giant is rolling out the ‘nudge’ feature that reminds you about an email based on the time you’ve mentioned. The new ‘Nudge’ feature […]

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